As weed gets legalized in more and more countries around the world, more and more users are finding ways to functionally fit THC in their lives. A nice THC high can be a pretty fun time, can help improve your appetite and even come up with new ideas. However, the legalization wave also has an underdog that we don’t really talk about as much – CBD. Basically, marijuana contains two main cannabinoids in it; the psychoactive THC and the non-psychoactive CBD.
To put things into simpler words, THC is what binds to your serotonin receptors and gets you high. CBD, on the other hand, can actually counteract the high but it can help you calm down and can relieve pain. In a world where addictive opiates are the most effective painkillers, we have, CBD oil is an absolute godsend. It can help manage various kinds of pain in a number of patients.
A lot of marijuana users report that smoking the herb makes them feel much calmer- this is thanks to CBD. CBD can calm the mind and regulate your blood flow, making it very effective for those of us who have anxiety. It also has neuroprotective qualities, which is why it’s recommended to smoke weed strains which have a good THC to CBD ratio.
If used topically, CBD oil can combat acne unlike anything else. The oil might smell bad but it’s really good for your skin. If you want to use CBD for any of the above reasons and to regulate your sleep and eating patterns, then we really recommend that you invest in a cbd vape pen. You can buy CBD only vape cartridges that you can smoke to get all the benefits without ending up all giddy and high each time.
Categories: Health